
Showing posts from May, 2018

Quick Tips to buy motor Insurance Online

More often than not when you want to buy motor insurance online , you are not sure if you would land up with the best deal available. The truth is when purchasing a motor insurance, the chances are high that you can be easily taken for a ride. There is so much in the market and every insurer is trying to portray themselves as best, it becomes difficult to judge the right one for you. Add to that the fake policy providers promising hot and lucrative deals making the situation all the more difficult for you. Here is what you should know when you buy insurance online. Compare insurance One of the major advantages of being connected to the internet is that you are not alone in your search. An internet carries much more power than what a whole bunch of retailer put together. So, it is important not to forget that. It is much more realistic and easier to buy an insurance online in today’s technology friendly world. So, spending some time online to research will be beneficial for you.

What is Third Party Liability in a Car Rental?

In most countries of the world, all cars on the road are required to have at least one third party liability cover as per law. It is important as it pays out if you are held responsible for a loss suffered by someone else – known as ‘Third Party’. A third party can be anyone other than yourself, such as a passenger in your vehicle, driver or passenger of another vehicle or a maybe a pedestrian. Losses covered by the liability may include loss of earnings, treatment for injuries, and cost of damages to third party property, compensation for death or permanent disability. The third party liability cover is essential because if you do not have it, you will have to meet the costs for which you are liable from your own pocket. Needless to say these costs can go up to very high burning a hole in your pocket. What is not covered? First of all, it does not cover any damages to you or the rental car. It is also important to remember that you could invalidate the cover if you don

All That You Need To Know About Zero Depreciation In Motor Insurance

Zero Depreciation is one of the very popular motor insurance rider available in today’s insurance market. In the event of a car accident, it can be extremely disappointing to find out that your insurance claim covers only a part of the expenses incurred for the repair of damages as a big chunk of your insurance claim has been eaten up by depreciation. A zero depreciation insurance cover can be worth buying to avoid such unwanted situation. Difference between zero depreciation car insurance and standard car insurance A standard insurance will cover the losses you may incur if a car is stolen or damaged. But it comes as a surprise to you that you will not be entitled to a hundred percent reimbursement of the expenses you incurred on repairs made. As per policy norms, your insurer deducts some depreciation charges from your claim, also known as charges for normal wear and tear. Hence, only the residual value, left after deducting the depreciation is paid to you. On the ot